
Originally I set this site up as a venue for selling tools I wasn't using any more. That's where the name comes from. At the time I was a craftsman, cabinetmaker, and carpenter. I'm retired now and that stuff is gone but I kept adding pages relating to my interests.
Travels With LD
On November 15, 2007 I moved into an old Lazy Daze motorhome and left Red Rock on my first extended journey to the Southwest to spend the winter in warmer climes and to try my hand at this fulltiming thing as a way to explore this beautiful country in my retirement.
My Lazy Daze
I bought a nice 1992 Lazy Daze 26-1/2MB Class C motorhome I plan to use for snow-birding and perhaps full-timing if I find the lifestyle works for me.
I've been a casual picture taker forever, as have most of us, but once I set off on my adventure living fulltime in my RV and traveling about, my interest in photography started to grow. I began to see stuff I wanted to capture. Eventually I landed in San Antonio NM and spent some time photographing the Sandhill Cranes wintering at the Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge. I was hooked.
Leatherworking is a relatively new interest of mine and I'll be adding pages here describing some of the leatherworking projects I've been doing as I try to learn about this craft.
My reading interests are rather eclectic. I like humor. I like adventures in the natural world, particularly in the far north. I like certain biographical and historical works, particularly first person narratives. I like explorations of the mind.
Collectanea, A miscellany of collected passages, is my catalog of passages clipped from books, magazines and the web.
My place
Here you will find some occasional thoughts and comments and a list of links to some websites of interest to me.
Thinking Aloud
My plan is to use Threads as a way to pull together thoughts and clippings into some kind of idea or concept development.
Good, nutritional food underpins a healthy body. Much of what is sold as food today is no more than the 1960's Popular Science view of our future of meals in a pill. There have to be better ways to eat and thrive.
A few notes on health and nutrition and a list sites which seem to have reliable health related info.
Power-Trac PT-1845 Articulated Tractor
Early in 2002 I started searching for a replacement for my aging and never very satisfactory International 484 utility tractor with Bush Hog mower and Westendorf loader. That search eventually led me to the innovative Power-Trac articulated tractors and the PT-1845 model in particular.
Starcraft Truck Camper
In 2004 I stumbled on this old Starcraft truck camper in the back of an RV dealer's lot and I thought I might rebuild into a mobile jewelry studio. That idea soon fizzled. I got about as far as you see in the pictures and abandoned the project.
My 1969 Airstream Tradewind
In late September of 2005 I bought an Airstream trailer, a 1969 Tradewind Deluxe LY, 25ft with rear bath, curb side double bed and front goucho.
I use these pages as my online reference library.
Notable points on the evolutionary path of